2. In a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients. It is easiest if you break the meat up with your hands a little bit first, then mix everything in. Clean hands are your best tool for this part. It also helps to scramble the egg in a separate bowl so there aren’t big blobs of yolk… Trust me. Because venison is so lean, it has a tendency to fall apart when you cook it like this. The egg and bread crumbs are there to help the burger patties stay together once they’re on the grill – if you think you need to add another tbsp of bread crumbs, go on ahead.
3. Form the sliders into discs that are a little smaller than the size of your palm. Well, my palm. Guys – make them smaller than your palm. I’d say about 2.5-3″ across. Make sure to press down on the middle of each one to prevent them from puffing up and turning into meatballs once they start cooking.
4. Head out to the grill with the sliders, and grill them to your hearts desire. While they’re grilling, hang out with some cool dudes like these guys.
Grilling is obviously too much activity for Marmaduke to handle… Until it’s time to eat.
5. Toast the buns so the cheese melts a tad, then… Assemble away! I had American cheese on hand, so that’s what I used. If I had remembered, I would have gotten bleu cheese at the store. Yum. Pile them up with your favorite toppings – the possibilities are endless!
Also, this is where I forgot to take more pictures. The sliders looked so cute all lined up on the buns ready to be fixed.