If you remember last week’s recap of the Governor’s Cup Series so far, you’ll know that the Rascal was leading the pack in series points going into the Edisto Tournament. Our boys caught 3 sailfish & 1 blue marlin for the tournament, landing them in 2nd place behind the boat Trick ‘Em (48). They were neck and neck going into day 3 of the tournament, but the winning boat edged ahead with their 2 blue marlin over the Rascal’s 2 sailfish in the end. Either way, they all deserve a big congrats!

In another interesting turn of events, the Rascal almost won the Outstanding Wahoo award. How does one almost win such an award, you ask? Step 1: hook up on a really nice wahoo. Step 2: try to reel him in towards the boat without snapping the line. Step 3: Succeed in doing so. Step 4: Enter: Mr. Shark. Oh yes – a hefty beast of a shark decided this dangling wahoo just looked too good to pass up, and it was his lunchtime. Step 5: Reel in the remaining 1/4 of your wahoo.

Jeff Dennis at Lowcountry Outdoors snapped this photo of Rascal angler Wes with what remained of that shark’s lunch. The winning wahoo weighed in at 22.2 lbs, and this portion of the Rascal’s wahoo weighed in at 22.8 lbs. Yowzers.
Curious what the overall catch summary was for the 2014 tournament series? Check it out.

BUT WAIT. We’re certainly not going to stop there. Here it is. The moment we’ve been waiting for. THE RASCAL OFFICIALLY WON THE 2014 SOUTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR’S CUP BILLFISH SERIES, out-scoring the 2nd place boat by 825 points. Say whaaaat!

So, as the tournaments come to an end, we congratulate the Rascal crew on a fantastic series and an even better win! Way to go, fellas! Who wants [another] celebratory beer? Yes, please! Read more here and here.