Degrees, that is. Twenty-four chilly chilly chilly degrees Wednesday morning for our hunt. Brr! Quite a bit different than the t-shirt 65* weather from last week, and unfortunately, my shooting suffered along with my fingers and toes! I will be there first to admit, there are some hunts where I just can’t seem to get it together. I fancy myself at least a decent shot, rarely emptying my shell belt unless crippled ducks need to be shot on the water to keep from losing them. Wednesday? Woooo brother. I had quite a time getting my limit (which I finally did, around 9:30). The other 2 hunters in the blind with me seemed to have the same problem, so I am chalking it up to that 24* weather we were dealing with :). Each of us ended up with our limits, though- totaling 16 ring necks and 2 mallards.

Prine, on the other hand, was a champ. For an 8.5 month old puppy, he is already showing such promise, and he did not let the cold get to him. Always eager and excited, all it took was a little direction in the water and he would swim right to the duck, bringing it all the way back to the blind before dropping it. I can’t wait to see how far he will have come by next season!

We are all gearing up for the last weekend of duck season, so stay posted for more updates after the weekend, and a little surprise I have been working on for the past month or two. Can’t wait!

Such a good boy 🙂

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