I can’t believe it. I really feel like it was just opening weekend, and now I’ve put away my waders and given my shotgun a good cleaning…
We really did try and make the last week/weekend of duck season count. From a successful hunt Wednesday morning, to the 12 degree weather Saturday morning, to the very last shot Sunday afternoon, everyone made sure to be in or near the duck ponds as much as possible. Lots of Hot Hands, even more coffee, and some fantastic meals added to the weekend’s enjoyment. Because hunters came and went at different times all weekend, I really have no idea what the final duck tally was for those few days – blue bills, ring necks, mallards, shovelers, blue and green wing teal, ruddy ducks, and a merganser or two were in the bag, though. While the ducks weren’t flying, it was exploration time. Through marsh grass, phragmite, dense woods, and open fields, it was one of the most active weekends I have had in a while. And, you know what? I loved every minute of it.