Happy Opening Day (No. 2), friends! I came across this Field & Stream article for 2014’s turkey hunting season, and thought it was a good one to pass along. Now, these guys are way more hard core than I could ever hope to be {think cross-country conditioning and using 2 mouth calls simultaneously.. How? No idea}, but they offer some great tips for your turkey hunting adventures. Below are the 3 that apply to me the most, and are definitely tips I need to remember once I get out into the woods. Incidentally, two involve being patient once you’re out there. When it comes to still-hunting deer or hogs, I am typically pretty good at hanging tight and being patient. Not turkey hunting. Perhaps its because I have turkey hunted 20-30 times and haven’t taken a shot, but that’s neither here nor there! I really get antsy with anticipation and sometimes it gets the best of me. Definitely check out these tips – There are bound to be a few that work for you, as well!
Don’t over-think. “Don’t ask, what would I do if I were a gobbler? Ask what a gobbler will do, based on your scouting.”-Mike Miller, Buck Commander TV Cameraman, Missouri
“Patience, and setup. The way to kill an old, smart turkey is to get in the right spot and wear out the seat of your pants. I tell people that turkeys don’t hang up; they walk to the exact spot where they know they should see the hen they heard. If you can’t shoot to that spot, you’re out of the game.”
-David “Big Daddy” Smith, Owner of Double D Guide Service, Massachusetts
Get comfortable. “It takes patience to kill most toms. When you set up, pick a cozy spot and get things cleared and situated so you can wait out a tough gobbler.”
-Jeff Budz, Land Manager and Private Guide, Florida