Our dove season opened Labor Day weekend, and I felt excited to take my new Remington V3 Field Sport for a spin in the field on South Carolina’s dove opener. While I typically shoot a 20 gauge over-under for dove, I knew the Remington V3 would be a great gun for this season. Because the lightweight V3 uses Remington’s gas-operated system to reduce recoil, I wasn’t at all concerned about shooting a heavier gauge gun for higher volume shooting.

We got into the field in the early afternoon on opening day, where the sun shone bright and the wind blew nice and light. With Hurricane Dorian barreling toward us, we still had a few days before the storm hit, so the birds weren’t traveling at Mach 10, like they can do in higher winds. They started flying soon after we arrived, so we quickly got to work.

I brought my 9-month-old daughter, Taylor, with me on the hunt, which made it even more fun than opening day already is. I set her up in a little wagon with plenty of things to entertain her and keep her comfortable (including ear protection), and parked her under a nice big oak to watch. [Note: Taylor is not mobile yet, so Hollis didn’t have to worry about her wandering into the field, either.] While having a kid in the field with you definitely brings a new level of distraction from the hunt itself, it was completely worth it to see how much fun she had being out there with me.

While the hunt wasn’t a true barrel-burner, it was a great opening day. As first-of-the-season hunts can go, there came super easy shots that I somehow missed, and super quick, difficult shots that I nailed. I think it is interesting how our minds work when it comes to shooting, sometimes.

When I have more time to think about the shot (as a slow, low dove comes moseying towards me), I tend to overthink and miss. But, when a bird buzzes over a tree behind me and appears out of nowhere, my instincts take over and before I know it, I’ve already pulled the trigger and made the shot.

I knocked down half a dozen birds during the dove season opener. For being out of practice and bringing a baby with me on the hunt, I’d say that isn’t too shabby!

I can’t wait for the next hunt, and am looking forward to a successful season with the Remington V3, and my favorite little hunting buddy by my side.

This post was originally written for Women’s Outdoor News (here), sponsored by Remington. Find more about the Remington V3 Field Sport here.