marsh hen hunt

Well hello friends! I hope everyone is having a good weeks of far… I think I am still recovering from the weekend – bachelorette party for my future sister in law might have done me in! Needless to say, no hunting was done last weekend, but I was able to get a hunt in while duck season was on its little break last week. And, I have to tell you, marsh hen hunting is oh-so-fun. Once you get past the whole standing on the front of a (however slowly) moving boat while holding a loaded gun and trying to see those squirrelly marsh hens despite having the balance of a one-legged dog, you’re ally get the hang of things and it’s all fun from there! With a limit of 15 marsh hens per person, I knew we were in for a fun morning regardless of weather or lack of experience.

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ol’ gnarly

If you follow me on Instagram, then you might remember a certain photo I posted on Thanksgiving night. Now, I have never had very good luck deer hunting when it comes to big bucks. I have seen plenty of moderately-sized bucks, but never really had one stop me and make me say “wow.” Ya know what I mean? I know there aren’t too many really big bucks around the Lowcountry, so it doesn’t surprise me all that much. But after so many years of deer hunting? Come on!

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rainy days

Happy Monday, dear friends! I hope everyone had the best Thanksgiving – I know I did! I have to say, I really love getting to hang out with family (including soon-to-be family!) and friends, and having a few days to take it easy (sort of) and do pretty much anything! The past few days were so much fun, and definitely filled with lots of activities. I also think I might turn into a turkey if I eat one more turkey sandwich…

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opening weekend: banded

 Well hello, friends! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! As many of you know, duck season opened in these parts, and oh man am I excited. I tell you what – this chilly weather that rolled in has really kicked off my fall excitement. I always love the fall, but never quite feel like it hits until the leaves really start to change around here. It is just beautiful in the woods right now, so that’s where we spend the majority of our weekend!

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venison pot pie with black pepper crust

I am not sure why it took me so long to make this… For real. My original intent was to cook everything in the big dutch oven, and then transfer to a baking dish, cover with the crust, and bake. Um, no. WARNING – this recipe makes a lot. But, it is fantastically delicious, so that’s probably more of a good thing. The pack of vegetables I used definitely made the amount of filling much larger than I had anticipated, but never you mind. Now that it is getting chilly (after being 80* a few days ago… again), this is the perfect meal to make on a Sunday afternoon. Remember – it’s even better the next day. And the next. Mayyyybe even the next. Hey, that’s what freezers are for, right?

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1 year

What a happy Friday, indeed, friends! Perusing the calendar earlier this week, I realized that today marks the one-year “birthday” of the bright side of the road! My mind is torn – I can’t decide if I feel like it has been much longer than one year, or just a few short months. But, with 87 posts, nearly 15,000 {just looked again we – are at nearly 17,000!!!} views, and a whole bunch of happy, happy news in between, I guess a year really makes sense! Didn’t we just reach 10,000? Gahh I feel like that was just last week, and that was the end of September! Well, let me just throw in another big THANK YOU to all of you readers! This has really been such a fun experience for me, and I look forward to delivering more stories and more recipes in the upcoming months. {Duck season is oh-so-close…!!!!}

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weekend recap – that’s why they call it hunting

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is having a good week so far… I have to say, it is hard sitting in an office after spending a weekend outside in beautiful weather! We headed up to Georgetown Friday evening, although we didn’t make it there in time to get in the stand before it got dark. No bother! There’s always Saturday, I told myself. Besides, who would want to miss this sunset view as you arrive?


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tips for trailing

Trailing a wounded deer (or hog), that is. I can definitely recall quite a few hunts where I just knew that I was not going to be able to find my animal, only to follow a few simple steps and wind up just feet away from that tell-tale white belly or that giant {motionless} black mound atop crunchy brown leaves. Of course we’d all prefer the “drop it where it stands” kind of success, but that can’t always be the case!


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bionic ears and lying eyes

Do you ever hear things while you are in the woods hunting? Like, things that the person sitting in the stand next to you doesn’t hear? That’s definitely how I am. About 8 years ago, my dad and I were deer hunting, and I kept hearing a specific noise that I just knew was some animal walking through the woods. My dad kept telling me that a.) he couldn’t hear anything and b.) I was probably hearing squirrels… Or nothing, that my ears were playing tricks on me. But, I stood by my conviction and sure enough, not 5 minutes later, 7 turkeys came strolling out of the woods in a line. Hah! Told you I wasn’t crazy, Dad. Even after seeing them, he still hasn’t heard those turkeys. Bottom line – trust me. When I think I hear something in the woods, there is something in the woods. Regular every day life? Not so much. But in the woods – bionic ears.

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