For parents and veteran hunters alike, taking kids hunting can be one of the most rewarding experiences in outdoor life. For many, growing up learning to hunt was as natural as learning to tie their shoes or ride a bike. For others, the option to go hunting as a kid (for any number of reasons) simply didn’t exist. But, when many of those same youngsters were exposed to hunting as adults, they fell in love with the sport and became hooked for life.
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Father’s Day: #PreservetheMoment with GameSaver®
This post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on behalf of FoodSaver®; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
As the weather warms up and summer draws closer, many outdoorsmen and women find themselves between hunting seasons. But, that doesn’t mean we aren’t enjoying the fruits of our labor from the previous months. Riverside cookouts and backyard BBQs are in full swing, with everything from fresh fish to venison burgers topping the grill. That also means Father’s Day is just around the corner, bringing with it the joy of reminiscing all of the fun time spent with dear Dad in the outdoors.
How to Hire a Hunting Guide or Outfitter: Boyd’s Hardwood Gun Stocks
When it comes to planning a hunt, the options are endless. Some hunts require little more than a loose timeline, a packed lunch, and a loaded gun, but others can be much more daunting, even for an experienced hunter. A turkey hunt one county over is a far cry from stalking elk through the Rockies, but if you’ve never done either, you’re still starting from square one.
That’s where hunting guides and hunting outfitters come in – someone else with the knowledge and skill to help close the gap between you and the game you chase.
But, don’t be fooled – the two titles are not mutually exclusive.
Clothing Tips for Hunters Who Want Better Results: Boyd’s Hardwood Gunstocks
For some, a successful hunt means getting a big buck on the ground, out of the woods, and into the freezer. For others, it means simply getting that big buck in their cross hairs, experiencing the thrill of the hunt whether they pull the trigger or not.
In both scenarios, the hunter has put his or her knowledge and skill to the test, and their efforts paid off in triumph.
The key to a successful hunt starts before you leave the house.
Down to the wire > 49 hours
Question – where the heck did deer season go? I’ve been planning to catch y’all up on all of my hunting adventures this fall, but time has absolutely flown by and I have No. Idea. Where. It. Went. And now its over… As of yesterday – New Year’s Day – our whitetail season is officially closed. [Oh hey Happy New Year, by the way!]
Since I did so much hunting from very beginning of the season, I figured it would be easiest (and shortest) to give you a quick rundown of all of the hunts leading up to my [first] success… What a doozy.
Changing Tactics for Post-Rut Deer Hunting with The WON
The early winter doldrums can be a frustrating time for whitetail hunters, as the bustling rut activity tapers off into the silence of vacant woods and unfired guns. It is often turns off like a light switch: Deer seem to be running everywhere at the height of the rut, and then it’s over as quickly as it began. The peak breeding period may have passed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a successful hunt in the post-rut weeks of deer season. Deer are creatures of habit, after all, so a few simple adjustments to your hunting strategies can help you bag a mature buck when you least expect it.

As the days get shorter, a good scope (like my Leupold VX5-HD) will help maximize the length of your hunt.
WON: Blood Trail Tips and the Leupold LTO-Tracker
For a hunter, few things can be more frustrating than pursuing a downed animal across rugged terrain or in deep woods, thick with underbrush. The feeling of excitement after taking a shot at that trophy buck can quickly be replaced by one of hopeless failure once hours of searching have left you empty-handed. It’s a situation all hunters do their best to avoid. We’d love for every shot to be perfectly placed, dropping game in its tracks—but that’s just not how hunting works. Deer are incredibly strong creatures, and the adrenaline surging through their bodies often gives them the strength to run an astonishing distance, even with a mortal wound. We owe it to our game to give our best efforts for recovery. Following these simple steps can lead you straight to success.
Predator encounter: Leupold + Tikka
Recently, I found myself faced with a “tough” decision. I put “tough” in quotes because it was also quite a delightful decision: I needed to purchase a new rifle. Over the summer, I was partnered with Leupold Optics here on Women’s Outdoor News, and the amazing Leupold team was kind enough to send me a box full of new gear including a scope – the VX-5HD 3-15x44mm CDS-ZL2. (!!!)
Sportsman’s Box: SEPTEMBER
It’s time again for another update with Sportsman’s Box!
The September box has some great items that will help us make the transition from summer to fall in the woods. Checking trail cameras, scouting, and deer hunting are top priority this time of year, and, its clear Sportsman’s Box had that in mind when they put this month’s package together.
tideline magazine feature: red stag hunt
In the spring of this year, the amazing folks over at Tideline Magazine were kind enough to reach out to me again regarding my red stag hunt in Patagonia in 2016. Rachel Cook, the editor, asked me to write a travel feature – a story about one of my hunting trips, and how to plan a similar excursion. Of course, I happily obliged!