weekend recap: turkey hunting with Patriot Hunts

Hi friends! If you follow along on Instagram or Facebook, you might have seen that I recently had the opportunity and privilege to turkey hunt with the amazing folks at Patriot Hunts this year, and write about our weekend over at Women’s Outdoor News. Ken Barnard, the founder of Patriot Hunts, decided that this year’s hunt would be an all-women’s weekend, with our 2 hunters being Lizzie, a Gold Star Survivor, and Rory, a Purple Heart Recipient. I would guide 1 group, with Rory as my hunter, and Chris Wilson with NWTF would guide the other, with Lizzie behind the barrel. Lizzie is a successful bowhunter, and was familiar with what turkey hunting entails. Rory, on the other hand, had never been turkey hunting before. She would be my hunter, and I was super excited to be a part of her first experience.

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dove season prep with the WON

Can you believe it’s already fall? I feel like I was just writing my paddle board fishing article, reminiscing of 100* days on the water, and all of a sudden we’re staring down the barrel of dove season. Craziness! I know I owe y’all more than a few posts (Scotland, current and upcoming dove hunts, and an all new Portfolio page I’ve been working on), but I have another WON article on deck for you today!

Get excited for Dove Hunting 101: How to Prep Before you Head out for the Hunt.

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first split: duck season begins

Can you believe that it is already DECEMBER? Seriously! Where did November go? Whizzed past in the blink of an eye, if you ask me! And, since November is, in fact, over… Well, so is the first split of duck season here in South Carolina. Luckily, I was able to duck 3 times during that time, and it was quite a successful adventure!


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weekend recap: Big Sur part 1

Happy Friday, friends! I’ve been working on these photos for a bit, and am so excited to finally share  with you. As you might have seen, the Mr. and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary earlier this month (woohoo!) and to celebrate, we headed out to California for some Big Sur fun. We fell in love with the area last year, and were determined to make a trip back as soon as we could. What better excuse, right?


We stayed in Monterey again, with the intent of hiking as much of Big Sur as possible in our short time out there.

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