Friends! I am so so beyond excited to share with you…
Category: milestones
first article – published!
Remember the exciting news I told you about last week? My new writing venture with Wide Open Spaces? Well, I submitted my first article, and it was published today! And what, you ask, was it about?
weekend recap: Easter adventures + exciting news

It’s Fridaayyyyyy! Is anyone else as excited as I am? I got spoiled with a 3 day work week last week, having just returned from Argentina. I think it’s safe to say that I have recovered, and there’s no denying that I miss it. But, alas, I think it’s time to move on (at least until I finished the video, then we can revisit!), and get turkey season underway.
myyy myyy myyy…

Myyy myyy myyy, my key lime pie! Ever heard that song? So silly. But! A delicious key lime pie is the recipe I have for you today. Sort of random, I know. What prompted me to make one? It was ssssommeeone’s birthday yesterday…
weekend recap: catching up
Hi friends! I hope everyone had a happy happy Turkey Day & ate as much delicious food as we did… And had even more turkey sandwiches with the leftovers, naturally… Delish!

Celebrating my 28th with this guy the night before a duck hunt
i’m back!
Hello hello, long lost friends! My deepest apologies for going AWOL the past two weeks. I DO have a [very] valid excuse though – Mr. Lumpkin & I got married! With an incredible event created by the ah-mazing Calder Clark (think: trees in the tent & dueling Scotch bars), And then promptly went to Belize for a week of fun. With that being said, I just wanted to hop in and update y’all, and let you know that I have tons of fantastic photos & videos from our adventures in Belize. We spent 3 days bone fishing – shocking, I know – and managed to snag a trip out to the Great Blue Hole so John could dive and I could. snorkel. We GoPro’d all of our activities & took around 500 photos, so I will be sorting through it all over the next week or two and showing you just what all we did!
they did it!
If you remember last week’s recap of the Governor’s Cup Series so far, you’ll know that the Rascal was leading the pack in series points going into the Edisto Tournament. Our boys caught 3 sailfish & 1 blue marlin for the tournament, landing them in 2nd place behind the boat Trick ‘Em (48). They were neck and neck going into day 3 of the tournament, but the winning boat edged ahead with their 2 blue marlin over the Rascal’s 2 sailfish in the end. Either way, they all deserve a big congrats!
an interesting read
So I am not sure if I ever mentioned that the Rascal (seen here, here, and here) currently holds the bragging rights for South Carolina’s state record blue marlin. Pretty cool, huh?! They caught this bad boy back in 2005 (unfortunately before I came on the scene :)), and there is a great mount of it as you get to the dock at Georgetown Landing Marina.
happy birthday!
I just wanted to give a great big happy birthday to my main squeeze.
From the deep woods to the open water, you’re my favorite partner in crime!
1 year
What a happy Friday, indeed, friends! Perusing the calendar earlier this week, I realized that today marks the one-year “birthday” of the bright side of the road! My mind is torn – I can’t decide if I feel like it has been much longer than one year, or just a few short months. But, with 87 posts, nearly 15,000 {just looked again we – are at nearly 17,000!!!} views, and a whole bunch of happy, happy news in between, I guess a year really makes sense! Didn’t we just reach 10,000? Gahh I feel like that was just last week, and that was the end of September! Well, let me just throw in another big THANK YOU to all of you readers! This has really been such a fun experience for me, and I look forward to delivering more stories and more recipes in the upcoming months. {Duck season is oh-so-close…!!!!}