I recently shared some shed hunting pointers over at Women’s Outdoor News – expanding on my original list of tips and tricks – how you, too, can have a successful shed hunting season.
Category: sheds
weekend recap: Oakland Quail Hunt
In December John and I were super fortunate to be invited on a weekend of quail hunting at a place called Oakland Club here in South Carolina. Thanks to the Evans (close family friends), we were in for two days of over-under toting, blaze-orange clad, horseback riding quail adventure.
Holy smokes it was fun.
weekend recap: shed hunting begins
Well, it is officially shed hunting season!
I always get so excited before this time of year, whether I end up finding – anything or not – and for the past two weekends, that’s what I’ve done. I’ve put in miles and miles of time in the woods hoping to stumble across a little (or big) piece of the elusive whitetail’s fallen horns.
catching up: most recent WOS articles
Hello hello! That probably sounds like I am more peppy than I actually am on this Monday… Mondays are the worst, huh? Can’t it already be Friday again? Ahh, such is life, I guess! Anyway – enough complaining. Not a whole lot has been happening on the hunting or fishing front lately, although it’s not for lack of trying! I did catch a little bass (below) on the pond behind our neighborhood, though. Better than nothing, right?
weekend recap: too late?
Yes… I know… A few weeks ago, I thought that I might have been too early to find any sheds. I walked and searched miles and miles, from deep in the woods to wide open food plots, only to come up empty handed. I summed it up to the “fact” that bucks in the Lowcountry just hadn’t quite dropped their antlers. I was just early, right?
weekend recap: too early?

Anyone else wondering where this chilly weather came from, and what happened to that glorious 70* weekend we had not too long ago? This girl, for sure. Needless to say, the cold weather didn’t stop me from trying my hand as some more shed hunting over the weekend. Despite the 200 mp winds (ok, ok… I’m exaggerating, but only a little) and close to freezing temperatures, I gathered my gear and some warm layers and headed out. I was on a mission, as I have little to show for my shed hunting success this year so far. No pun intended.
it’s about that time…
For shed hunting! After last year’s success, you better believe I’m ready to get back out there and start the search again. I’ve got my essentials ready to go, and have mapped out my most promising areas based on this past deer season. I am hoping to come away with at least a few good finds this year.
what to do with sheds – part I
I have had quite a few people ask me exactly what I do with the sheds I find. Whether I find single sheds to the ever-exciting pair, I like to experiment with a handful the never ending possibilities of what you can do with these things – from chandeliers to chairs to a simple sit-about. I tend to take a less-is-more approach, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create something fantastic. So, I figured I would give you a little miniseries and some DIY for all those sheds you find!
weekend recap: delayed
Holy moly this week has been crazy. As of right now, we are westward bound to visit dear friends in California {insert excited dance here}, so the start of this week meant playing catch up & get ahead before our vacation started. {PS – it’s 12* in Chicago right now.} Hence, the delayed post about the weekend! If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed a few posts of a few different activities, one of which I was verryyyy excited about. Remember all of my shed hunting talk? Well, it’s safe to say that my miles of walking finally paid off. I found my best shed yet, and what’s even more exciting, I found the pair. The miles and miles of walking sure were fun, even when we weren’t finding sheds.
the essentials: shed hunting
The time has come! While shed hunting “season” might not be on DNR’s calendar, it is certainly on mine. Didn’t bag a buck last season? Guess what – you still have a chance to come home with some nice antlers to add to your collection. Bucks drop their antlers every winter (more on that here), so now is a great time to look for their sheds. Finding sheds is always fun, and they can be very educational. Stumble upon one side of a nice 8 point’s rack? Then you know that buck made it through the hunting season and will {hopefully} be around next year. I am admittedly a fairly recent convert, but shed hunting is my new favorite activity between seasons or when hunting one day isn’t an option. So, here is my rundown of how to prepare for and carry out a successful shed hunting mission. That sounded really militaristic for some reason… Anyways – Time to get prepped.