Happy Thursday, friends! I have a little #tbt Throwback Thursday treat for you today! After filtering through several hundred videos & at least as many photos, I have finally finished the first installment of the Belize video diaries… Eeek!
Category: wildlife
weekend recap, part II: was it him?
Oh, hello again! Are you ready for round 2 of my weekend recap? As you know, I had a successful hunt on Friday evening, bagging a nice doe and thus beginning to refill our freezer. All antsy & bothered by the desire to shoot a nice buck, I headed back to the stand early Saturday morning to give it another try. With the rut getting underway, it was my hope that a love-struck buck would let down his guard and follow a doe right to my field. I saw a deer sneak across the field just before it was light enough to really see, but I guess I will never know what it was… Maybe it was a ghost, or maybe my eyes were just playing tricks on me. Who knows?
weekend recap, part I: filling our freezer
Happy Monday, friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend. The weather around here was absolutely perfect (and still is), and we were able to spend the entire weekend outside… And by “outside,” I mean I spent around 10 hours in the deer stand. Oops. But! It was actually a successful weekend for me on the deer hunting front – doe tag filled, freezer [on its way to being] filled again! Since we ran out of venison a few months ago and really haven’t had much time to do some serious deer hunting, it was definitely at the top of my to-do list to at least harvest a doe for us. And if a nice buck walked out instead? Well… I think you and I both know what I would do.
weekend recap: 0 for 2
Over the weekend I made it my mission to spend some serious time in the deer stand. I haven’t been able to deer hunt much this season so far, and last weekend was perfect for it. Not hot at all, nice and overcast, and more than promising. “Promising,” you ask? Yes. After checking a few trail cams, I was after this guy:
back & forth – weekend recap continued
As I mentioned, we did a little bit of dove hunting and a little bit of fishing over last weekend. The constantly changing weather made it a little difficult to plan ahead for our activities, so we basically flew by the seat of our pants. Start to see a few doves come into the field? Let’s get out there and sit. No doves flying? Let’s try our luck on the pond. Procrastinating getting in the car to drive back to Charleston? Let’s get back in that dove field for a little while! That is truly how our day went.
deer season update
Last weekend was spent hanging out in Georgetown, and it really was a great time. Despite the inclement weather we have been having around the Lowcountry, we managed to eek out a dove shoot and do a little pond fishing between rainstorms. I also made sure to check my trail cam, and do a little bit of scouting for deer season while I was there, just to see what kind of activity is going on now that the season is underway. Much to my delight, I had a handful of great videos & photos on my trail cam, found here.
excellent raymanship
first crossbow attempt

top 5 signs every deer hunter should look for
Hello, friends! I sat down to finish this post last night and realized how long it has been since I have posted. This summer is doing 2 things – passing so quickly that I don’t realize how much time is flying, and dragging on until the next hunting season. This has really been such a busy summer that even leisurely fishing opportunities seem far and few between. Ahh, such is life. I guess it could be worse!